happy saturday!! i am loving this weather we have been getting lately!! its such a good change from all the rain. our lawn is being mowed at this very moment and i cant wait to go out in the backyard with the baby and dog and soak in some of this Oregon sun, woohoo!!
im getting so excited for the summer and taking the baby to the pool, bbq'in with friends and going camping, yes! i miss camping, and cant wait to go this year :) i really want to learn to fish too...i dont know if that will actually happen this year, but it would be fun!! Anyways, i just got a rare few moments where the baby is content..i've decided that i hate colic, lol. Deivn and i were talking today, and we figured out that Zechariah is definetly from perfect country like his dad...rebecca, you know what i mean ;) the problem is that i am from fun country ( the best country) and so i dont really understand perfect country people, haha..but maybe this is a good thing because it will help me figure out how my husband works better and make me understand the way he thinks lol! im just hoping and praying the next 9 kids are from fun country like me, HA!
well, i better get back to trying to get some housework done while i have the chance..then its on to the backyard, woohoo!!
oh yeah, im soo excited for tomorrow..first church where we are doing some really awesome songs tomorrow :) then its off to Corvallis to see my sister whos coming in from Texas and she will finally get to meet little Z, then visiting my old church and seeing many old friends :) Yay for sunday!
Wow, you can already tell he is from perfect country---that's scary!!! ;-) Us fun people have a hard time with those perfect people!!! Gotta love them though for keeping us on track!