Also, here is a pic of the boys at our thanksgiving..Jeremiah had a great time eating the food and teething on a turkey leg ( the original teether toy i call it lol) and Zechariah, our picky little guy who i swearnever eats had 2 olives..and orobably only because i put them on his fingers and he thought that was fun :) I enjoyed being on bedrest, which meant i didnt have to cook or clean!! haha..but my dr. said i could start doing a little more out of bed now, like eating at the table and moving around the house a little bit to sit up ect. so i got to enjoy the turkey and everything else with the family at the table and not feel guilty about it! woohoo. And Devin did a really good job making the pie..yummy! Im thankful for sooo many things this year!!

Just as i was about to finish thispost..Jeremiah projectile vomited all over the living room floor :( maybe too much thanksgiving food?! poor guy..and poor dad..who witnessed his first baby throwing up incident and has to clean it up :( lol!