SO originally we didn't want to get a 3D picture of the baby, because we didn't want to know what the baby looked like....but yesterday at my appointment i was measuring pretty big and developing pre eclampsia so they wanted to do an ultrasound to check on the baby and they had to do it in 3D so we got a sweet picture of our little baby :) Everything looks great with the baby and it's already weighing a little over 7 1/2 pounds! looks like we are going to have a little chunker ;) The baby was so funny during the ultrasound and refused to move, smile or do anything cute for the camera..the ultrasound tech kept saying "oh how funny, you have a such a serious baby" lol. it was cute, it was like the baby was trying to say hey, leave me alone im trying to sleep over here! lol I definitely think baby D looks ALOT like Devin (creepy) haha, jk. Cant wait to meet our little bundle of joy soon!!
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ReplyDeleteChrissy MacCEO
WOW - that is an amazing photo! Your Baby is absolutely gorgeous :)